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Canceling ACT Scores

Sometimes test day doesn’t go quite as planned. If this is the case, don’t panic! There are options to make sure questionable or downright disappointing scores are never seen by any colleges. Take a look below to learn the best protocol.

Cancel Scores

Canceling test scores is possible if something truly unexpected or destabilizing comes up during the test. This might involve some sort of medical or personal issue that makes finishing the test impossible.

However, it is important to note that if you decide to cancel scores, you won’t receive a refund, and your child won’t get the opportunity to see how she performed on the test.  If it’s just a case of nerves or self doubt (very normal), don’t cancel the scores. Wait to see the score report and then take action if need be.

If your child does feel the need to cancel, she must inform the test proctor before leaving the testing center. Rescheduling, rather than cancelling, is an option until the test booklet seal is broken.  

Remove Score Recipients

If your child feels that she has performed way below her potential on the test, she can opt to remove her score recipients. This ensures that colleges won’t receive a copy of her score report. However, you and your child will still be able to view the graded ACT and see where she went wrong, which can be useful for future tests.  

You can remove college score recipients until the Thursday after the test by logging onto the ACT website. Simply delete the colleges from the list of recipients.   

Delete Test Records

For some, a perfectly clean slate can be appealing, and your child might decide that she wants no record whatsoever of poor scores. If so, she can request to permanently delete her ACT records. The process is a bit more involved and must be executed in paper form. She will have to make a request to the ACT via a letter containing name, address, and the desire to have the scores deleted. To complete the process, the ACT will mail you a form to finally delete the record.

Mail the letter to this address:

ACT Institutional Services
P.O. Box 168
Iowa City, IA 52243-0168

Overall, it’s best to just wait and see your child’s scores, and only cancel if finishing the the test is impossible. Colleges won’t be able to see less than perfect scores as long as you delete them from the list on the ACT website.

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