How Can Diagnostic Testing Help You?
Hey Juniors! It’s time to start planning for college! On top of choosing schools, ensuring academics are strong and balancing extracurriculars, you now have a decision to make: should you take the SAT or ACT? At InTuition Works, we believe the best approach to this question is by utilizing our Diagnostic Testing service.
What Does Diagnostic Testing Entail?
Diagnostic Testing entails scheduling one full-length SAT and one full-length ACT here at our center. Unless you have been approved for an extended-time accommodation testing lasts approximately 3 hrs/test. If you receive an accommodation at school, but haven’t been approved through College Board or ACT, check out our previous post for information on applying for accommodations. Apply for accommodations as early as possible, as this will affect your test-prep approach.
Why Do I Need Diagnostic Testing?
Simply put, Diagnostic Testing can save you valuable time and money as you prepare for the official SAT or ACT. Keep in mind, most students really don’t have a grasp on which test is better suited for their abilities. Often, students choose a test to prepare for based on hearsay from their friends. Remember, standardized tests mimic the same experience every time. By utilizing a service such as Diagnostic Testing, we give students a more accurate expectation of their ability.
What Are the Benefits of Diagnostic Testing?
Each year, we meet parents and students who believe they are preparing for the right test. They spend hours preparing and testing only to discover that they are far below their expected benchmark score. This can waste valuable time and be a huge blow to a student’s confidence. This often results in a panicked decision to change tests at the last minute.
After a student completes both tests, we provide a Diagnostic Score Comparison detailing their scores, how they match up on the SAT/ACT concordance table, and their estimated national rank percentile. We also provide a Recommendation Report highlighting how many lessons to expect and which official test date the student should schedule.
Unlike other services we’ve seen, we provide this information prior to beginning lessons because it is important for both parents and students to understand the time and commitment required to excel at the SAT or ACT. Above all, we want every student we assist to feel confident no matter which test they choose.
Not happy with your current test-prep program? Switch to InTuition Works today and get better results… faster!